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How to spot misinformation on election leaflets

What is coming through your letterbox - and how do you know it’s legitimate?

Attempts to mislead or seed confusion are not limited to the online world; in The Journal FactCheck, we sometimes get asked by the public to look at pamphlets and other ‘free’ literature that have been posted through their letterbox but either seem to make wild claims or just don’t look quite right.

These materials can often look like they are being sent to you by a politician, an organisation you may have heard of - or even one you haven’t, but sounds credible enough. 

Firstly, take a look at the pamphlet; is your initial feeling that it seems well laid-out, easily scannable, and if it carries official logos or names… can you search for those online and see how well they match up with what is in your hands? Are the colours and fonts the same, in high-resolution? 

Telltale signs that a flyer or leaflet might be not what it claims to be, include poor spelling or grammatical errors, poor graphic design, no citations for claims in the text and no references to reputable sources where you might double-check the statements being made.

Take a look at our video above to see an example of just such a leaflet - and keep a close eye on what comes through your door or is pasted to a lamp post near you.


April 12, 2024


Last updated

Mairead Maguire

reporter with The Journal

The Journal
Knowledge Bank

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